New Hampshire Action Alert: S.B. 354

Many in the bleeding disorders community, along with many other patients who rely on costly medications, rely on copay assistência programs to help defray the out-of-pocket (OOP) cost of their prescription drugs. Unfortunately, health insurers been increasingly accepting the money, but refusing to credit copay assistência toward patients’ deductibles and OOP maximums. Esta prática (“copay accumulator adjustment”) puts patient health and financial security at risk, and leaves the patient responsible for still paying the full amount of their OOP maximum. 

Granite State Lawmakers are currently considering SB 354, a bill that would implement crucial and well-suited limitations on the utilization of copay accumulator adjuster programs.

  • In January, NBDF, NEHA, and NEBDAC submitted testimony in favor of this bill.
  • In March, the NH Senate Health & Human Services Committee recommended passage of the bill.
  • In April, the full NH Senate approved this bill! 
  • On April 30, the bill moved to the House, where it was heard in the House Commerce and Consumer Affairs Committee.

How YOU Can Help: Email or Call Your Representative

As the bill comes up for a vote in the full New Hampshire House of Representatives, every family in the Granite State has a role to play to help us protect patients with bleeding disorders and other chronic conditions. Your voice and story will make a real difference.

Below is an email template you can copy and paste and send to your representatives. You can fill in the blanks with your personal information, and you can add any personal information (or modify the template in any way if you choose to do so).

Please help us send these emails BEFORE DATE.

Copy & Paste Email Template


Outras perguntas

NEHA’s advocacy efforts are spearheaded by State Leads who reside in each state. State Leads are volunteer leaders who participate in monthly calls and serve as the primary points of contact on advocacy issues for members of the bleeding disorders community in their respective state.

New Hampshire’s state leads are Susi von Oettingen & Mary and Scott Fitzpatrick. They are both long-time community members and seasoned advocates. Feel free to reach out to them via phone or email if you need help or have any questions.

  • Susi:
  • Mary and Scott: