
FallFest is NEHA’s Annual Meeting and our largest educational event of the year. We invite the bleeding disorders community of New England to attend this virtual three-day event. FallFest was originally scheduled to be in Jay, Vermont, but was held as a virtual event due to COVID-19.


Virtual Live Programming

From Friday, October 23 to Sunday, October 25, we hosted three days of live programming. On Friday, we had a pumpkin extravaganza and costume party for the entire family. On Saturday and Sunday, we hosted educational sessions, rap sessions, our annual meeting, and the New England Bleeding Disorders Advocacy Coalition (NEBDAC) Meeting.


Virtual GooseChase Scavenger Hunt

These activities were designed for children ages 5-17, although many could be modified for younger attendees. We also added activities and trivia questions for adults.


Virtual Exhibit Hall 

Attendees had the opportunity to meet local pharmaceutical company and specialty pharmacy representatives in our Virtual Exhibit Hall. This allowed community members to receive information on products and services.


Cancellation Policy

Due to the cost of shipping the boxes and purchasing the supplies, there will be a $35 cancelation fee per family by not participating in the majority of events. Please notify NEHA if you experience a personal or medical emergency and cannot participate.


Event Sponsors

We are thankful to these companies for supporting this event:


Presenting Sponsors 
Champion Sponsors 

Snack Sponsor

Arts & Crafts Sponsor

Activity Sponsor

Candle Sponsor

Beverage Sponsor


October 23 2020 - November 14 2020


6:00 pm - 7:00 pm