Bleeding Disorders
Bleeding disorders are a group of disorders that share the inability to form a proper blood clot. Click below to learn current and reliable information here on hemophilia A, hemophilia B, and Von Willebrand disease (VWD).

Hemophilia Treatment Centers
Hemophilia Treatment Centers (HTCs) provide a range of comprehensive services for individuals with bleeding disorders and their families within one treatment facility. The concept of comprehensive care is to treat the whole person and the family, through continuous supervision of all the medical and psychosocial aspects of bleeding disorders. Today, there are 11 federally funded treatment centers in New England.

Financial Assistance
The NEHA Emergency Assistance Fund is available to help families and individuals in the bleeding disorders community in unusual, one-time, emergency situations. This fund is designed to support urgent, emergency needs such as food, utility bills, transportation to treatment and housing support.