Virtual Family Fitness Class
On Sunday, May 24, we hosted a Virtual Family Fitness Class to help you learn and practice exercises and stretches that can be done while inside your home.
While many gyms and recreational areas are closed due to COVID-19, it is crucial that both children and adults living with a bleeding disorder continue to be active. During this event, Jeff LeBlanc, a Physical Therapist living with severe hemophilia A demonstrated low-impact stretches and other exercises to do from home to maintain strength and joint health.
To see what this class is like, watch a recording of our previous classes. Watch the videos here.
About Our Instructor
As a person with hemophilia, Jeff understands the struggles people with bleeding disorders may encounter with fitness and exercise. Jeff works as a PT for Professional Physical Therapy in Haverhill, MA, treating various orthopedic injuries and conditions. He has a background in fitness and wellness, working as a trainer prior to getting his doctorate in Physical Therapy. In his free time, he enjoys golfing, hiking, surfing, and various other sports.