Nancy Messina, MARC

In 2001, Nancy and her husband, Darren, learned that their third and youngest son, Matthew, had severe hemophilia A. With no family history, it was a disease they knew nothing about.

A google search directed them to NEHA, where they came to find hope and comfort. Over the years, Nancy and her family have attended Family Camp almost every summer to connect with others and learn infusion skills. They have attended most other NEHA events over the years and are dedicated supporters of our Annual Unite for Bleeding Disorders Walk each and every year.

Nancy grew up in Richmond, VA and is an architect, although she is not currently practicing. Her career required her to coordinate many different types of contractors, consultants and committees. The management and people-skills she acquired translate directly to her role on the NEHA Board of Directors, where she serves as President.

Since becoming the Board President in 2019, she has guided the organization through the COVID-19 pandemic and has overseen the creation of a 5-Year Strategic Plan to guide the organization into the future.

She and her husband live in Concord, Massachusetts.